Use this link to your mobile Chrome and then click the link
it will open automatically to the Chrome browser or Play store.

If not open automatically see below option will be showing select Chrome browser or Play Store.

Prelogic is a Paytm earning app for mobile.
You will sign up for free for using your Paytm mobile number with your email and your name and your password

Follow the steps and start earning to your mobile.

Login the app.

Open the app you will see the start button click that start button.

You will seeing 50 views 5 install

This is simply to view 50 views and 5 install - see below

click the start button it will open Google full banner ad and then running countdown.

Countdown finish and then it will automatically go to earning page.

Follow same step 10 times sexy mujra and then it will be told install the app

click the install that app not a full banner ad app close the full banner ad app

See the top and below small installing banner app will shown click that small installing banner app

It will go to play store or Chrome browser

You will select Play Store and download and installed

After installed app you will click back to the earning app and it will be showing ok success

You will see the total number adding
You will see the remind number will get down

Follow the same steps reminder number will fully get down to 0.

Follow the same steps total number will be adding to below total.

Withdrawal request is three rupees only play to this app daily earn daily 3 rupees plus your referral Commission